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on May 30, 2006 at 11:26:25 am

A Thracian - wore ocrea (greaves) on both legs, carried a small square shield, wore either a full visored helmet or an open faced helmet with a wide brim, and carried a curved Thracian sword with an angled bend in the blade

Secutor - his name the term for "pursuer" and fought virtually naked and bald, carrying a large oval or rectangular shield and a sword or dagger, wearing an ocrea on the left leg, leather bands at the elbow and wrists (manicae), and a round or high-visored helmet

Retiarius - symbolized fisherman he wore only a loin cloth (subligaculum) and a metal shoulder-piece (galerus) on the left arm, and carried a net (iaculum), a dagger, and a trident or tunny-fish harpoon (fascina). One variation on the Retiarius was the Laquearii* who carried a lasso instead of a net

Female gladiators sometimes fought

Andabutus: wears helmet w/ no eye holescan’t see rides horseback but can’t see.

Essedarius: drives chariot

Myrmillo: (murmillo) carries dagger and shield. Wears wide leather belt and leg bands

Samnite: Wears visored helmet w/ crest. Carries sword and large shield.

Dimachaerius: Fights w/ 2 swords and wears little armor.

Laquerius*: uses lasso instead of net.

Velitus: armored w/ a spear.

“I will endure to be burned, to be bound, to be beaten, and to be killed by the sword” ~Gladiator’s Oath, as recorded by Petronius

Some were paid

Victorious gladiators got a crown and money

After many victories they could get a wooden sword=freedom

They became trainers at the gladiator schools

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