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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago
Artchive. May 2006 < www.artchive.com/.../roman_colosseum.jpg.html>.
Biesty, Stephen. Rome. Italy: Oxford UP, 2003.
Chandler, Fiona, Sam Taplin, and Jane Bingham. The Usborne Encyclopedia of the Ropman World. Tulsa, Oklahoma: EDC. 66-67.
Dutemple, Lesley A. The Colosseum. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Learners Publications Company, 2003.
Elliot, Aaron. "Cat At the Colosseum." 13 June 2007 <www.aelliott.com/images/2002/s/02_12_04_02_cat_colosseum_s.jpg>.
Garner, Andrew. "The Flavian Amphitheatre." That Shouldn't Happen. 2 Apr. 2007 <http://www.tsh-story.co.uk/images/art/flavian.jpg>.
James, Simon. Ancient Rome. New York: DK, Inc., 1990.
KidCyber. May 2006 www.kidcyber.com.au/IMAGES/colosseum_in.jpg
Malam, John. You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Roman Gladiator. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 2003.
"Rome." 13 June 2007 <www.engr.uiuc.edu/international-StudentExperience/EuropeExperience/ItalyExperience/Frank_Pisa_S103/Italy/rome_pics.htm>.
"Roman Art." May 2006 .
UTexas. University of Texas. May 2006 <http://www.utexas.edu/courses/romanciv/Romancivimages16/colosseum.jpg>.

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